The Gamemakers enter the Games

The games are officially underway! As gamemaker we have to keep the citizens of the capitol interested in watching the games. As head gamemaker I decided our first disaster will be a tsunami. We think that this will build suspense on the most boring games ever. As we begin to build the tsunami it becomes more in demand. The people of the capitol are getting bored and need something to wake them up. We decided it will be 70 stories high and the width of the arena.. Let the tsunami begin.

The wave rises and crashes but don’t hurt anyone just scares them.  We have another wave rise at the same height and width. Two tributes are trapped underneath and can’t run fast enough to escape it. Boom! The whole room goes silent. Did they make it out or did they die? That is the question on everyone’s mind. When we pull the water back in we see the two dead tributes. Two cannons blast as our first disaster is complete. My insides feel weird and tingly. I don’t know how I feel about killing two innocent people for entertainment. However it is my job I will be killed if I don’t keep this game interesting and suspenseful.

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